Zum Inhalt springen Publikationen Jürgen Gauß 2021 -
Cholesky Decomposition and the Second-Derivative Two-Electron Integrals Required for the Computation of Magnetizabilities using Gauge-Including Atomic Orbitals
S. Burger, S. Stopkowicz, and J. Gauss
J. Phys. Chem. A 129 , 623-632 (2025)
High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Structure of Heavy Carbon Subchalcogenides: Tricarbon Selenide, C3 Se
T. Salomon, W.G.D.P. Silva, J.B. Dudek, J. Gauss, S. Schlemmer, J. van Wijngaarden, and S. Thorwirth
J. Phys. Chem. A 128 , 9218-9225 (2024)
Exploiting Non-Abelian Point-Group Symmetry to Estimate the Exact Ground-State Correlation Energy of Benzene in a Polarized Split-Valence Triple-Zeta Basis Set
J. Greiner, J. Gauss, and J.J. Eriksen
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 15 , 9881-9887 (2024)
Adaptive Resolution Force Probe Simulations: Coarse Graining in the Ideal Gas Approximation
M. Oestereich, J. Gauss, and G. Diezemann
J. Chem. Phys. 161 , 154903-1-12 (2024)
Cholesky Decomposition in Spin-Free Dirac-Coulomb Coupled-Cluster Calculations
T. Uhlířová, D. Cianchino, T. Nottoli, F. Lipparini, and J. Gauss
J. Phys. Chem. A 128 , 8292-8303 (2024)
Error Control and Automatic Detection of Reference Active Spaces in Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction
J. Greiner, J. Gauss, and J.J. Eriksen
J. Phys. Chem. A 128 , 6806-6818 (2024)
MBE-CASSCF Approach for the Accurate Treatment of Large Active Spaces
J. Greiner, I. Gianni, T. Nottoli, F. Lipparini, J.J. Eriksen, and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 20 , 4663-4675 (2024)
Choice of the Right Supporting Electrolyte in Electrochemical Reductions: a Principal Component Analysis
F. Mast, M.M. Hielscher, T. Wirtanen, M. Erichsen, J. Gauss, G. Diezemann, and S.R. Waldvogel
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146 , 15119-15129 (2024)
Changing Aromatic Properties through Stacking: the Face-to-Face Dimer of Ni(II) bis(pentafluorophenyl)norcorrole
Q. Wang, D. Sundholm, J. Gauss, T. Nottoli, F. Lipparini, S. Kino, S. Ukai, N. Fukui, and H. Shinokubo
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26 , 14777-14786 (2024)
Theoretical Prediction of Closed-Shell Paramagnetism for Scandium and Yttrium Hydride
L. Grazioli, L.T. Schleicher, S. Stopkowicz, and J. Gauss
J. Comp. Chem. 45 , 1215-1223 (2024)
A Cholesky Decomposition-Based Implementation of Relativistic Two-Component Coupled-Cluster Methods for Medium-Sized Molecules
C. Zhang, F. Lipparini, S. Stopkowicz, J. Gauss, and L. Cheng
J. Chem. Theor. Comp . 20 , 787-798 (2024)
A Novel Coupled-Cluster Singles and Doubles Implementation that Combines the Exploitation of Point- Group Symmetry and Cholesky Decomposition of the Two-Electron Integrals
T. Nottoli, J Gauss, and F. Lipparini
J. Chem. Phys. 159 , 231101-1-6 (2023)
Hyperfine-Resolved Spectra of HDS together with a Global Ro-Vibrational Analysis
M. Melosso, N. Jiang, J. Gauss, and C. Puzzarini
J. Chem. Phys. 158 , 174310-1-11 (2023)
Ro-Vibrational Spectrum of Linear Di-Aluminum Monoxide (Al2 O) at 10 μm
D. Witsch, E. Döring, A.A. Breier, J. Gauss, T.F. Giesen, and G.W. Fuchs
J. Phys. Chem. A 127 , (2023)
In Defense of Merit
D. Abbot, A. Bikfalvi, A.L. Bleske-Rechek, W. Bodmer, P. Boghossian, C.M. Carvalho, J. Ciccolini, J.A. Coyne, J. Gauss, P.M.W. Gill, S. Jitomirskaya, L. Jussim, A.I. Krylov, G.C. Loury, L. Maroja, J.H. McWhorter, S. Moosavi, P.N. Schwerdtle, J. Pearl, M.A. Quintanilla-Tornel, H.F. Schaefer III, P.R. Schreiner, P. Schwerdtfeger, D. Shechtman, M. Shifman, J. Tanzman, B.L. Trout, A. Warshel, and J.D. West
J. Controv. Ideas 3 ,1-26 (2023)
Computation of NMR Shieldings at the CASSCF Level Using Gauge-Including Atomic Orbitals and Cholesky Decomposition
T. Nottoli, S. Burger, S. Stopkowicz, J. Gauss, and F. Lipparini
J. Chem. Phys. 157 , 084122-1-10 (2022)
Cholesky Decomposition of Two-Electron Integrals in Quantum-Chemical Calculations with Perturbative or Finite Magnetic Fields using Gauge-Including Atomic Orbitals
J. Gauss, S. Blaschke, S. Burger, T. Nottoli, F. Lipparini and S. Stopkowicz
Mol. Phys. 121 , e2101562-1-10 (2023)
The He-H3 + Complex: II. Infrared Predissociation Spectrum and Energy Term Diagram
T. Salomon, S. Brackertz, O. Asvany, I. Savić, D. Gerlich, M.E. Harding, F. Lipparini, J. Gauss, A. van der Avoird and S. Schlemmer
J. Chem. Phys. 156 , 144308-1-12 (2022)
The He-H3 + Complex: I. Vibration-Rotation-Tunneling States and Transition Probabilities
M.E. Harding, F. Lipparini, J. Gauss, D. Gerlich, S. Schlemmer and A. van der Avoird
J. Chem. Phys. 156 , 144307-1-11 (2022)
Wavefunction-Based Electrostatic-Embedding QM/MM Using CFOUR Through MiMiC
T. Kirsch, J.M.H. Olsen, V. Bolnykh, S. Meloni, E. Ippoliti, U. Rothlisberger, M. Cascella and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Theor. Comp . 18 , 13-24 (2022)
NMR Chemical Shift Computations at Second-Order Møller-Plesset
Perturbation Theory Using Gauge-Including Atomic Orbitals and
Cholesky-Decomposed Two-Electron Integrals
S. Burger, F. Lipparini, J. Gauss and S. Stopkowicz
J. Chem. Phys. 155 , 074105-1-13 (2021)
A Black-Box, General Purpose Quadratic Self-Consistent Field Code with and without Cholesky Decomposition of the Two-Electron Integrals
T. Nottoli, J. Gauss and F. Lipparini
Mol. Phys. 119 , e1974590-1-13 (2021)
Complex Ground-State and Excitation Energies in Coupled-Cluster Theory
S. Thomas, F. Hampe, S. Stopkowicz and J. Gauss
Mol. Phys. 119 , e1968056-1–17 (2021)
Second-Order CASSCF Algorithm with the Cholesky Decomposition of the Two-Electron Integrals
T. Nottoli, J. Gauss and F. Lipparini
J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 17 , 6819-6831 (2021)
DLPNO-MP2 Second Derivatives for the Computation of Polarizabilities and NMR Shieldings
G.L. Stoychev, A.A. Auer, J. Gauss and F. Neese
J. Chem. Phys. 1 54 , 164110-1-27 (2021)
press release of MPI für Kohlenforschung
Experimental and Quantum-Chemical Characterization of Heavy Carbon Subchalcogenides: Infrared Detection of SeC3 Se
T. Salomon, J.B. Dudek, Y. Chernyak, J. Gauss and S. Thorwirth
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 3 78 ,111456-1-7 (2021)
Force Probe Simulations Using an Adaptive Resolution Scheme
M. Oestereich, J. Gauss and G. Diezemann
J. Phys. Cond. Matter 33 , 194005-1-10 (2021)
Improved Centrifugal and Hyperfine Analysis of ND2 H and NH2 D and its Application to
the Spectral Line Survey of L1544G
M. Melosso, L. Bizzocchi, L. Dore, Z. Kisiel, N. Jiang, S. Spezzano, P. Caselli, J. Gauss and C. Puzzarini
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 377 , 111431-1-8 (2021)
2016 - 2020
Ground and Excited State First-Order Properties in Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction Theory
J.J. Eriksen and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 153 , 154107-1-7 (2020)
The Ground State Electronic Energy of Benzene
J.J. Eriksen, T.A. Anderson, J.E. Deustua, K. Ghanem, D. Hait, M.R. Hoffmann, S. Lee, D.S. Levine, I Magoulas, J. Shen, N.M. Tubman, K.B. Whaley, E. Xu,, Y. Yao, N. Zhang, A. Alavi, G.K.-L. Chan, M. Head-Gordon, W. Liu, P. Piecuch, S. Sharma, S.L. Ten-no, C.J. Umrigar and J. Gauss
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11 , 8922-8929 (2020)
Supramolecular Packing Drives Morphological Transition of Charged Surfactant Micelles
K. Schäfer, H. B. Kolli, M.K. Christensen, S.L. Bore, G. Diezemann, J. Gauss, G. Milano, R. Lund and M. Cascella
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 59 , 18591-18598 (2020)
Coupled-Cluster Techniques for Computational Chemistry: The CFOUR Program Package
D. Matthews, L. Cheng, M.E. Harding, F. Lipparini, S. Stopkowicz, T.-C. Jagau, P.G. Szalay, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Phys. 152 , 214108-1-34 (2020)
Determination of Accurate Rest Frequencies and Hyperfine Structure Parameters of Cyanobutadiyne, HC5 N
T.F. Giesen, M.E. Harding, J. Gauss, J.-U. Grabow and H.S.P. Müller
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 371 , 111303-1-7 (2020)
Deuterium Hyperfine Splittings in the Rotational Spectrum of NH2 D as Revealed by Lamb-Dip Spectroscopy
M. Melosso, L. Dore, J. Gauss and C. Puzzarini
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 370 , 111291-1-8 (2020)
Vibrational Excitation Hindering an Ion-Molecule Reaction: The c-C3 H2 + -H2 Collision Complex
C.R. Markus, O. Asvany, T. Salomon, P. Schmid, S. Banhatti, S. Brünken, F. Lipparini, J. Gauss and S. Schlemmer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 , 233401-1-6 (2020)
High-Resolution Rovibrational Spectroscopy of c-C3 H2 + : The ν7 C-H Antisymmetric Stretching Band
O. Asvany, C.R. Markus, T. Salomon, P. Schmid, S. Banhatti, S. Brünken, F. Lipparini, J. Gauss and S. Schlemmer
J. Mol. Struct. (special issue in memory of John Hougen) 1214 , 128023-1-6 (2020)
The Grignard Reaction - Unraveling a Chemical Puzzle
R.M. Peltzer, J. Gauss, O. Eisenstein and M. Cascella
J. Am. Chem. Soc . 142 , 2984-2994 (2020)
press release of University of Oslo
commentary in Chemistry & Engineering News
commentary in Scinexx - das Wissensmagazin (in German)
commentary in Focus online (in German)
Generalized Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction Theory
J.J. Eriksen and J. Gauss
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10 , 7910-7915 (2019)
Gas-Phase Vibrational Spectroscopy of the Hydrocarbon Cations l-C3 H+ , HC3 H+ and c-C3 H2 + : Structures, Isomers, and the Influence of Neon-Tagging
S. Brünken, F. Lipparini, A. Stoffels, P. Jusko, B. Redlich, J. Gauss and S. Schlemmer
J. Phys. Chem. A 123 , 8053-8062 (2019)
Temperature Dependent Mechanical Unfolding of Calixarene Nanocapsules Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
T. Kato, K. Schäfer, S. Jaschonek, J. Gauss and G. Diezemann
J. Chem. Phys. 151 , 015102-1-10 (2019)
Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction. II. Strongly Correlated Regime
J.J. Eriksen and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 15 , (2019)
Implementation of Analytic Gradients for CCSD and EOM-CCSD using Cholesky Decomposition of the Electron-Repulsion Integrals and their Derivatives: Theory and Benchmark
X. Feng, E. Epifanovsky, J. Gauss and A.I. Krylov
J. Chem. Phys. 151 014110-1-9 (2019)
Analytic Calculation of First-Order Properties within the Mean-Field Variant of Spin-Free Exact Two-Component Theory
T. Kirsch, F. Engel and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 150 , 204115-1-9 (2019)
Infrared Spectroscopy of Disilicon-Carbide, Si2 C: The ν3 Fundamental Band
D. Witsch, V. Lutter, A. Breier, K.M.T. Yamada, G.W. Fuchs, J. Gauss and T.F. Giesen
J. Phys. Chem. A 123 , 4168-4177 (2019)
Accurate Prediction of Hyperfine Coupling Tensors for Main Group Elements Using A Unitary Group Based Rigorously Spin-Adapted Coupled-Cluster Theory
D. Datta and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 15 , 1572-1592 (2019)
A One-Electron Variant of Direct Perturbation Theory for the Treatment of Scalar-Relativistic Effects
S. Stopkowicz and J. Gauss
Mol. Phys. 117 , 1242-1251 (2019)
Mass-Independent Analysis of the Stable Isotopologues of Gas-Phase Titanium Monoxide - TiO
A.A. Breier, B. Waßmuth, G.W. Fuchs, J. Gauss and T.F. Giesen
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 355 , 46-58 (2019)
Unveiling the Sulfur-Sulfur Bridge: Accurate Structural and Energetic Characterization of a Homo Chalcogen Intermolecular Bond
D.A. Obenchain, L. Spada, S. Alessandrini, S. Rampino, S. Herbers, N. Tasinato, M. Mendolicchio, P. Kraus, J. Gauss, C. Puzzarini, J.-U. Grabow and V. Barone
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 57 , 15822-15826 (2018)
The Pole Structure of the Dynamical Polarizability Tensor in Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Theory
K.D. Nanda, A.I. Krylov and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 149 , 141101-1-5 (2018)
The Accuracy of Rotational Parameters Predicted by High-Level Quantum-Chemical Calculations: The Case Study of Sulfur-Containing Molecules of Astrochemical Interest
S. Alessandrini, J. Gauss and C. Puzzarini
J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 14 , 5360-5371 (2018)
Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction. I. Weakly Correlated Regime
J.J. Eriksen and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 14 , 5180-5191 (2018)
A Fundamental Catalytic Difference between Zn and Mn Dependent Enzymes Revealed in a Bacterial Isatin Hydrolase
T. Sommer, K. Bjerregaard-Andersen, L. Uribe, M. Etzerodt, G. Diezemann, J. Gauss, M. Cascella and J.P. Morth
Scientific Reports 8 , 13104-1-11 (2018)
Hybrid Particle-Field Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Charged Amphiphiles in Aqueous Environment
H. B. Kolli, A. de Nicola, S. L. Bore, K. Schäfer, G. Diezemann, J. Gauss, T. Kawakatsu, Z.-Y. Lu, Y.-L. Zhu, G. Milano and M. Cascella
J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 14 , 4928-4937 (2018)
A Mass-Independent Expanded Dunham Analysis of Aluminum Monoxide and Aluminum Monosulfide
A.A. Breier, B. Waßmuth, T. Büchling, G.W. Fuchs, J. Gauss and T.F. Giesen
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 350 , 43-50 (2018)
Perturbative Treatment of Spin-Orbit Coupling within Spin-Free Exact Two-Component Theory Using Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Methods
L. Cheng, F. Wang, J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 148 , 044108 (2018)
Structural Origin of Metal Specificity in Isatin Hydrolase from Labrenzia Aggregata Investigated by Computer Simulations
L. Uribe, G. Diezemann, J. Gauss, J.P. Morth and M. Cascella
Chem. - Eur. J. 24 , 5074-5077 (2018)
Intramolecular Structural Parameters are Key Modulators of the Gel-Liquid Transition in Coarse Grained Simulations of DPPC and DOPC Lipid Bilayers
S. Jaschonek, M. Cascella, J. Gauss, G. Diezemann and G. Milano
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 498 , 327-333 (2018)
Virtual Orbital Many-Body Expansions: A Possible Route Towards the Full Configuration Interaction Limit
J.J. Eriksen, F. Lipparini and J. Gauss
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8 , 4633-4639 (2017)
Germanium Dicarbide: Evidence for a T-Shaped Ground State Structure
O. Zingsheim, M.-A. Martin-Drumel, S. Thorwirth, S. Schlemmer, C.A. Gottlieb, J. Gauss and M.C. McCarthy
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8 , 3776-3781 (2017)
Force Probe Simulations Using a Hybrid Scheme with Virtual Sites
K. Schäfer, M. Oestereich, J. Gauss and G. Diezemann
J. Chem. Phys. 147 , 134909 (2017)
Zeeman Effect in Sulfur Monoxide: a Tool to Probe Magnetic Fields in Star Forming Regions?
G. Cazzoli, V. Lattanzi, S. Coriani, J. Gauss, C. Codella, A.A. Ramos, J. Cernicharo and C. Puzzarini
Astron. & Astrophys. 605 , A20 (2017)
Internally Contracted Multireference Coupled Cluster Calculations with a Spin-Free Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian: Application to the Monoxides of Titanium, Zirconium, and Hafnium
F. Lipparini, T. Kirsch, A. Köhn and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 13 , 3171-3184 (2017)
Benchmark Coupled-Cluster g-Tensor Calculations with Full Inclusion of the Two-Particle Spin-Orbit Contributions
A. Perera, J. Gauss, P. Verma and J.A. Morales
J. Chem. Phys. 146 , 164104 (2017)
Bond Dissociation Energies for Diatomic Molecules Containing 3d Transition Metals: Benchmark Scalar-Relativistic Coupled-Cluster Calculations for Twenty Molecules
L. Cheng, J. Gauss, B. Ruscic, P.B. Armentrout and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 13 , 1044-1056 (2017)
Importance of Triples Contributions to NMR Spin-Spin Coupling Constants Computed at the CC3 and CCSDT Levels
R. Faber, S.P.A. Sauer and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 13, 696-709 (2017)
Determining Factors of the Unfolding Pathway of Peptides, Peptoids and Peptidic Foldamers
L. Uribe, J. Gauss and G. Diezemann
J. Phys. Chem. B 120 , 10433-10441 (2016)
Cost-Effective Treatment of Scalar-Relativistic Effects for Multireference Systems: a CASSCF Implementation based on the Spin-Free Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian
F. Lipparini and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 12 , 4284-4295 (2016)
Laboratory Measurements and Astronomical Search for the HSO Radical
G. Cazzoli, V. Lattanzi, T. Kirsch, J. Gauss, B. Tercero, J. Cernicharo and C. Puzzarini
Astron. & Astrophys. 591 , A126-1-7 (2016)
Exotic SiO2 H2 Isomers: Theory and Experiment Working in Harmony
M.C. McCarthy and J. Gauss
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7 , 1895-1900 (2016)
Assessment of the Accuracy of Coupled Cluster Perturbation Theory for Open-Shell Systems. II. Quadruples Expansions
J.J. Eriksen, D.A. Matthews, P. Jørgensen and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 144 , 194103-1-7 (2016)
Assessment of the Accuracy of Coupled Cluster Perturbation Theory for Open-Shell Systems. I. Triples Expansions
J.J. Eriksen, D.A. Matthews, P. Jørgensen and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 144 , 194102-1-9 (2016)
Gas-Phase Spectroscopic Detection and Structural Elucidation of Carbon-Rich Group 14 Binary Clusters: Ge2 C3
S. Thorwirth, V. Lutter, A. Javadijaved, J. Gauss and T.F. Giesen
J. Phys. Chem. A 120 , 254-259 (2016)
The Rotational Spectrum of 17 O2 up to the THz Region
G. Cazzoli, T. Kirsch, J. Gauss and C. Puzzarini
J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Tran. 168 , 10-16 (2016)
2011 - 2015
The Performance of Non-Iterative Coupled Cluster Quadruples Models
J.J. Eriksen, D.A. Matthews, P. Jørgensen and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 143 , 041101-1-5 (2015)
Spin-Densities within a Unitary-Group Based Spin-Adapted Open-Shell Coupled-Cluster Theory: Analytic Evaluation of Isotropic Hyperfine-Coupling Constants for the Combinatoric Open-Shell Coupled-Cluster Scheme
D. Datta and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 143 , 011101-1-5 (2015)
Spin-Orbit Couplings within the Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Framework: Theory, Implementation, and Benchmark Calculations
E. Epifanovsky, K. Klein, S. Stopkowicz, J. Gauss and A.I. Krylov
J. Chem. Phys. 143 , 064102-1-16 (2015)
Coupled-Cluster Theory for Atoms and Molecules in Strong Magnetic Fields
S. Stopkowicz, J. Gauss, K.K. Lange, E.I. Tellgren and T. Helgaker
J. Chem. Phys. 143 , 074110-1-16 (2015)
Comparative Study of the Mechanical Unfolding Pathways of α- and β-Peptides
L. Uribe, J. Gauss and G. Diezemann
J. Phys. Chem. B 119 , 8313-8320 (2015)
Relativistic Coupled-Cluster Calculations on the Harmonic Vibrational Frequencies for XeF6 : Delicate Interplay between Electron-Correlation and Basis-Set Effects
L. Cheng, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Phys. 142 , 224309-1-8 (2015)
Hyperfine Structure of the Rotational Spectrum of HDO and its Extension to the THz Region: Accurate Rest Frequencies and Spectroscopic Parameters for Astrophysical Observations
G. Cazzoli, V. Lattanzi, J.L. Alonso, J. Gauss and C. Puzzarini
Astrophys. J. 806 , 100-1-6 (2015)
Mechanical Unfolding Pathway of a Model β-Peptide Foldamer
L. Uribe, S. Jaschonek, J. Gauss and G. Diezemann
J. Chem. Phys. 142 , 204901-1-10 (2015)
The Hyperfine Structure in the Rotational Spectra of D2 17 O and HD17 O: Confirmation of the Oxygen Magnetic Shielding Scale
C. Puzzarini, G. Cazzoli, M.E. Harding, J. Vázquez and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 142 , 124308-1-9 (2015)
The Absolute Shielding Scales of Oxygen and Sulfur Revisited
S. Komorovsky, M. Repisky, E. Malkin, K. Ruud and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 142 , 091102-1-4 (2015)
On the Convergence of Perturbative Coupled Cluster Triples Expansions: Error Cancellation in the CCSD(T) Model and the Importance of Amplitude Relaxation
J.J. Eriksen, P. Jørgensen and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 142 , 014102-1-16 (2015)
The Semi-Experimental Equilibrium Structures of AlCCH and AlNC
L.A. Mück, S. Thorwirth and J. Gauss
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 311 , 49-53 (2015)
The Born-Oppenheimer Equilibrium Bond Distance of GeO from Millimeter and Submillimeter-Wave Spectra and Quantum-Chemical Calculations
L. Bizzochi, C. Degli Esposti, L. Dore, J. Gauss and C. Puzzarini
Mol. Phys. 113 , 801-807 (2015)
The Temperature Dependence of Vibronic Transitions: Linear Electron-Phonon Coupling
C. Roos, A. Köhn, J. Gauss and G. Diezemann
J. Chem. Phys. 141 , 154110-1-16 (2014)
Analytic First Derivatives for a Spin-Adapted Open-Shell Coupled Cluster Theory: Evaluation of First-Order Electrical Properties
D. Datta and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 141 , 104102-1-12 (2014)
Revised Values for the Nuclear Quadrupole Moments of 33 S and 35 S
S. Stopkowicz and J. Gauss
Phys. Rev. A 90 , 022507-1-6 (2014)
Synthesis, Microwave Spectrum, Quantum Chemical Calculations and Conformational Composition of a Novel Primary Phosphine, Cyclopropylethynylphosphine, (C3 H5 C=CPH2 )
H. Møllendal, S. Samdal, J. Gauss and J.-C. Guillemin
J. Phys. Chem. A 118 , 9419-9428 (2014)
Perturbative Treatment of Spin-Orbit Coupling within Spin-Free Exact Two-Component Theory
L. Cheng and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 141 , 164107-1-11 (2014)
Equation-of-Motion Coupled Cluster Perturbation Theory Revisited
J.J. Eriksen, P. Jørgensen, J. Olsen and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 140 , 174116-1-8 (2014)
Rare Isotopic Species of Hydrogen Sulfide: the Rotational Spectrum of H2 36 S
C. Puzzarini, G. Cazzoli and J. Gauss
Astron. & Astrophys. 566 , A52-1-7 (2014)
A Lagrangian Framework for Deriving Triples and Quadruples Corrections to the Coupled Cluster Singles and Doubles Energy
J.J. Eriksen, K. Kristensen, T. Kjærgaard, P. Jørgensen and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 140 , 064108-1-11 (2014)
Spectroscopic Detection and Structure of Hydroxidooxidosulfur (HOSO) Radical, an Important Intermediate in the Chemistry of Sulfur-Bearing Compounds
M.C. McCarthy, V. Lattanzi, O. Martinez Jr., J. Gauss and S. Thorwirth
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4 , 4074-4079 (2013)
33 S Hyperfine Interactions in H2 S and SO2 and Revision of the Sulfur Nuclear Magnetic Shielding Scale
T. Helgaker, J. Gauss, C. Puzzarini and G. Cazzoli
J. Chem. Phys. 139 , 244308-1-10 (2013)
Spin-Free Dirac-Coulomb Calculations Augmented with a Perturbative Treatment of Spin-Orbit Effects at the Hartree-Fock Level
L. Cheng, S. Stopkowicz and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 139 , 214114-1-11 (2013)
Analytic Evaluation of the Dipole Hessian Matrix in Coupled-Cluster Theory
T.-C. Jagau, J. Gauss and K. Ruud
J. Chem. Phys. 139 , 154106-1-8 (2013)
Treatment of Scalar-Relativistic Effects on Nuclear Magnetic Shieldings Using a Spin-Free Exact-Two-Component Approach
L. Cheng, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Phys. 139 , 054105-1-11 (2013)
Non-Antisymmetric Tensor Contraction Engine for the Automated Implementation of Spin-Adapted Coupled Cluster Theories
D. Datta and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 9 , 2639-2653 (2013)
The Bromine Nuclear Quadrupole Moment Revisited
S. Stopkowicz, L. Cheng, M.E. Harding, C. Puzzarini and J. Gauss
Mol. Phys. 111 , 1382-1389 (2013)
Quantum-Chemical Determination of Born-Oppenheimer Breakdown Parameters for Rotational Constants: the Open-Shell Species CN, CO+ , and BO
C. Puzzarini and J. Gauss
Mol. Phys. 111 , 2204-2210 (2013)
A Re-Visitation of Non-Orthogonal Spin-Adaptation in Coupled Cluster Theory
D.A. Matthews, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 9 , 2567-2572 (2013)
Benchmarking Density-Functional-Theory Calculations of NMR Shielding Constants and Spin-Rotation Constants Using Accurate Coupled-Cluster Calculations
A.M. Teale, O.B. Lutnæs, T. Helgaker, D.J. Tozer and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 138, 024111-1-21 (2013)
The Route to High Accuracy in Ab Initio Calculations of Cu Quadrupole-Coupling Constants
L. Cheng, S. Stopkowicz, J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 137, 224302-1-8 (2012)
The Rotational Spectra of HD17 O and D2 17 O: Experiment and Quantum-Chemical Calculations
C. Puzzarini, G. Cazzoli and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 137 , 154311-1-9 (2012)
The Hyperfine Structure in the Rotational Spectrum of CF+
V. Guzmán, E. Roueff, J. Gauss, J. Pety, P. Gratier, J.R. Goicoechea, M. Gerin and D. Teyssier
Astron. & Astrophys. 548 , A94-1-2 (2012)
Rotational Spectra of Rare Isotopic Species of Fluoroiodomethane: Determination of the Equilibrium Structure from Rotational Spectroscopy and Quantum-Chemical Calculations
C. Puzzarini, G. Cazzoli, J.C. López, J.L. Alonso, A. Baldacci, A. Baldan, S. Stopkowicz, L. Cheng and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 137 , 024310-1-11 (2012)
A Sequential Transformation Approach to the Internally Contracted Multireference Coupled Cluster Method
F.A. Evangelista, M. Hanauer, A. Köhn and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 136 , 204108-1-11 (2012)
Rotational Spectrum of Silyl Chloride: Hyperfine Structure and Equilibrium Geometry
G. Cazzoli, C. Puzzarini and J. Gauss
Mol. Phys. 110 , 2359-2369 (2012)
Linear Response Theory for Mukherjee's Multireference Coupled-Cluster Method: Excitation Energies
T.-C. Jagau and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 137 , 044116-1-16 (2012)
Linear Response Theory for Mukherjee's Multireference Coupled-Cluster Method: Static and Dynamic Polarizabilities
T.-C. Jagau and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 137 , 044115-1-15 (2012)
Spin-Orbit Splittings via Mukherjee's Multireference Coupled-Cluster Theory: A Measure for the Coupling Contribution
L.A. Mück and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 136 , 111103-1-4 (2012)
First Characterization of Cyclic SiS2 - a New Perspective on the Walsh Rules
L.A. Mück, V. Lattanzi, S. Thorwirth, M.C. McCarthy and J. Gauss
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 51 , 3695-3968 (2012)
On the Approximation of the Similarity-Transformed Hamiltonian in Coupled Cluster Theory
F.A. Evangelista and J. Gauss
Chem. Phys. 401 , 27-35 (2012)
Ground and Excited State Geometries via Mukherjee's Multireference Coupled-Cluster Method
T.-C. Jagau and J. Gauss
Chem. Phys. 401 , 73-87 (2012)
Analytic Second Derivatives for the Spin-Free Exact Two-Component Theory
L. Cheng and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 135 , 244104-1-8 (2011)
Direct Perturbation Theory in Terms of Energy Derivatives: Scalar-Relativistic Treatment up to Sixth-Order
W. Schwalbach, S. Stopkowicz, L. Cheng and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 135 , 1941114-1-14 (2011)
Precise Laboratory Measurements for trans-DCOOH and trans-HCOOD for Astrophysical Observations
G. Cazzoli, C. Puzzarini, S. Stopkowicz and J. Gauss
Astrophys. J. Suppl. 196 , 10-1-7 (2011)
Analytic Energy Gradients for the Spin-Free Exact Two-Component Theory Using an Exact Block- Diagonalization for the One-Electron Dirac Hamiltonian
L. Cheng and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 135 , 084114-1-7 (2011)
Silicon Oxysulfide, OSiS: Rotational Spectrum, Quantum-Chemical Calculations, and Equilibrium Structure
S. Thorwirth, L.A. Mück, J. Gauss, F. Tammassia, V. Lattanzi and M.C. McCarthy
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2 , 1228-1231 (2011)
Fourier-Transform Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Spectroscopic Investigation of CH2 FI Guided by Quantum-Chemical Calculations
C. Puzzarini, G. Cazzoli, J. C. López, J.L. Alonso, A. Baldacci, A. Baldan, S. Stopkowicz, L. Cheng and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 134 , 174312-1-9 (2011)
Towards Highly Accurate ab initio Thermochemistry of Larger Systems: Benzene
M.E. Harding, J. Vázquez, J. Gauss, J.F. Stanton and M. Kállay
J. Chem. Phys. 135 , 044513-1-10 (2011)
Fourth-Order Relativistic Corrections to Electrical Properties Using Direct Perturbation Theory
S. Stopkowicz and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 134 , 204106-1-9 (2011)
Analytical Evaluation of First-Order Electrical Properties Based on the Spin-Free Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian
L. Cheng and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 134 , 244112-1-11 (2011)
Tunable Reversibility in Hydrogen-Bond Network Dynamics: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Calix[4]arene Catenanes
T. Schlesier, T. Metzroth, A. Janshoff, J. Gauss and G. Diezemann
J. Phys. Chem. B. 115 , 6445-6454 (2011)
Quantitative Vibronic Coupling Calculations. The Formyloxyl Radical
K. Klein, E. Garand, T. Ichino, D.M. Neumark, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
Theoret. Chem. Acc. 129 , 527-543 (2011)
Microwave, High-Resolution Infrared, and Quantum-Chemical Investigations of CHBrF2 : the Ground and v4 =1 States
G. Cazzoli, L. Cludi, C. Puzzarini, P. Stoppa, A. Pietropolli Charmet, N. Tasinato, A. Baldacci, A. Baldan, S. Giorgianni, S. Stopkowicz and J. Gauss
J. Phys. Chem. A 115 , 453-459 (2011)
Quantum Chemical Assessment of the Binding Energy of CuO+
E. Rezabal, J. Gauss, J. M. Matxain, R. Berger, M. Diefenbach and M.C. Holthausen
J. Chem. Phys. 134 , 064304-1-13 (2011)
Why Benchmark-Quality Computations are Needed to Reproduce 1-Adamantyl Cation NMR Chemical Shifts Accurately
M.E. Harding, J. Gauss and P. v. R. Schleyer
J. Phys. Chem. A 115 , 2340-2344 (2011)
An Orbital-Invariant Internally-Contracted Multireference Coupled Cluster Approach
F.A. Evangelista and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 134 , 114102-1-15 (2011)
The Rotational Spectrum of trans-DCOOD: Lamb-Dip Measurements, THz Spectroscopy and Quantum-Chemical Calculations
G. Cazzoli, C. Puzzarini, S. Stopkowicz and J. Gauss
Chem. Phys. Letters 502 , 42-47 (2011)
Rotational Spectra and Equilibrium Structures of H2 SiS and Si2 S
M.C. McCarthy, C.A. Gottlieb, P. Thaddeus, S. Thorwirth and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 134 , 034306-1-10 (2011)
Vibrational Energy Levels via Finite-Basis Calculations using a Quasi-Analytic Form of the Kinetic Energy
J. Vázquez, M.E. Harding, J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Comp. Theor. Chem. 7 , 1428-1442 (2011)
Direct Perturbation Theory in Terms of Energy Derivatives: Fourth-Order Relativistic Corrections a the Hartree-Fock Level
S. Stopkowicz and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 134 , 064114-1-15 (2011)
Unravelling the Fine Structure of Stacked Bipyridine Diamine-derived C3 -Discotics as Determined by X-Ray Diffraction, Quantum-Chemical Calculations, Fast-MAS NMR- and CD-Spectroscopy
T. Metzroth, A. Hoffmann, R. Martin-Rapun, M.M.J. Smulders, K. Pieterse, A.R.A. Palmans, J.A.J.M. Vekemans, E.W. Meijer, H.W. Spiess and J. Gauss
Chem. Science 2 , 69-76 (2011)
2006 - 2010
The Magnetic Hyperfine Structure in the Rotational Spectrum of H2 CNH
L. Dore, L. Bizzocchi, C. Degli Esposti and J. Gauss
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 236 , 44-50 (2010)
First-Principles Calculation of Electron Spin-Rotation Tensors
G. Tarczay, P.G. Szalay and J. Gauss
J. Phys. Chem. A 114 , 9246-9252 (2010)
A Worrisome Failure of the CC2 Coupled Cluster Method when Applied to Ozone
M. Pabst, A. Köhn, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
Chem. Phys. Letters 495 , 135-140 (2010)
Parallel Calculation of CCSDT and Mk-MRCCSDT Energies
E. Prochnow, M.E. Harding and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 6 , 2339-2347 (2010)
The Hyperfine Structure in the Rotational Spectra of trans-Formic Acid: Lamb-Dip Measurements and Quantum-Chemical Calculations
G. Cazzoli, C. Puzzarini, S. Stopkowicz and J. Gauss
Astron. & Astrophys. 520 , A64-1-6 (2010)
Insights into the Orbital Invariance Problem in State-Specific Multireference Coupled Cluster Theory
F.A. Evangelista and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 133 , 044101-1-5 (2010)
Bonding in the Heavy Analog of Hydrogen Cyanide: the Curious Case of Bridged HPSi
V. Lattanzi, S. Thorwirth, D.T. Halfen, L.A. Mück, L.M. Ziurys, P. Thaddeus, J. Gauss and M.C. McCarthy
Angew. Chem. 49 , 5661-5664 (2010)
Rotational Spectra of Isotopic Species of Silyl Fluoride. Part II: Theoretical and Semi-Experimental Equilibrium Structure
C. Puzzarini, G. Cazzoli and J. Gauss
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 262 , 3-41 (2010)
The Hyperfine Structure in the Rotational Spectra of D2 O: Lamb-Dip Measurements and Quantum-Chemical Calculations
G. Cazzoli, L. Dore, C. Puzzarini and J. Gauss
Mol. Phys. 103 , 2335-2342 (2010)
Analytic Gradients for Mukherjee's Multireference Coupled-Cluster Method Using Two-Configurational Self-Consistent-Field Orbitals
T.-C. Jagau, E. Prochnow, F.A. Evangelista and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 132 , 144110-1-9 (2010)
Perturbative Triples Corrections in State-Specific Multireference Coupled Cluster Theory
F.A. Evangelista, E. Prochnow, J. Gauss and H.F. Schaefer III
J. Chem. Phys. 132 , 074107-1-17 (2010)
Rotational Spectra of Isotopic Species of Silyl Fluoride. Part I: Hyperfine Structure by Means of Lamb-Dip Measurements and Quantum-Chemical Calculations
G. Cazzoli, C. Puzzarini and J. Gauss
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 259 , 93-99 (2010)
Quantum-Chemical Calculation of Born-Oppenheimer Breakdown Parameters to Rotational Constants
J. Gauss and C. Puzzarini
Mol. Phys. 103 , 269-277 (2010)
Rotational Spectra of CF+ and 13 CF+ : Accurate Rest Frequencies and Spectroscopic Parameters
G. Cazzoli, L. Cludi, C. Puzzarini and J. Gauss
Astron. & Astrophys. 509 , A1-1-5 (2010)
A New Experimental Absolute Nuclear Magnetic Shielding Scale for Oxygen Based on the Rotational Hyperfine Structure of H2 17 O
C. Puzzarini, G. Cazzoli, M.E. Harding, J. Vázquez and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 131 , 234304-1-11 (2009)
Analytic Second Derivatives in Closed-Shell Coupled-Cluster Theory with Spin-Orbit Coupling
F. Wang and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 131 , 164113-1-9 (2009)
The Dissociation Energy of the HOOO Radical
M.E. Varner, M.E. Harding, J. Vázquez, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Phys. Chem. A 113 , 11238-11241 (2009)
Hyperfine Structure in the J=1-0 Transitions of DCO+ , DNC, and HN13 C: Astronomical Observations and Quantum-Chemical Calculations
F.F.S. van der Tak, H.S.P. Müller, M.E. Harding and J. Gauss
Astron. & Astrophys. 507 , 347-354 (2009)
Analytic Gradients for the State-Specific Multireference Coupled Cluster Singles and Doubles Model
E. Prochnow, F.A. Evangelista, H.F. Schaefer III, W.D. Allen and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 131 , 064109-1-12 (2009)
Benchmarking Density-Functional-Theory Calculations of Rotational g Tensors and Magnetizabilities using Accurate Coupled-Cluster Calculations
O.B. Lutnæs, A.M. Teale, T. Helgaker, D.J. Tozer, K. Ruud and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 131 , 144104-1-16 (2009)
The Rotational Gas-Phase Spectrum of trans- and cis-HSSOH at 100 GHz
M. Koerber, O. Baum, U. Hahn, J. Gauss, T.F. Giesen and S. Schlemmer
J. Mol. Spectr. 257 , 34-39 (2009)
High-Accuracy Extrapolated Ab Initio Thermochemistry of the Propargyl Radical and the Singlet C3 H2 Carbenes
J. Vázquez, M.E. Harding, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Phys. Chem. A 113 , 12447-12453 (2009)
Calculation of Electronic g-Tensors using Coupled-Cluster Theory
J. Gauss, M. Kállay and F. Neese
J. Phys. Chem. A 113 , 11541-11549 (2009)
The Hyperfine Structure in the Rotational Spectrum of Water: Lamb-Dip Technique and Quantum-Chemical Calculations
G. Cazzoli, C. Puzzarini, M.E. Harding and J. Gauss
Chem Phys. Letters 473 , 21-25 (2009)
Quasidiabatic States Described by Coupled-Cluster Theory
T. Ichino, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Phys. 130 , 174105-1-16 (2009)
Characterization of cis- and trans-HSSOH via Rotational Spectroscopy and Quantum-Chemical Calculations
M. Koerber, O. Baum, T.F. Giesen, S. Schlemmer, J. Hahn and J. Gauss
Inorg. Chem. 48 , 2269-2272 (2009)
Orbital Instabilities and Spin-Symmetry Breaking in Coupled-Cluster Calculations of Indirect Nuclear Spin-Spin Coupling Constants
A.A. Auer and J. Gauss
Chem. Phys. 356 , 7-13 (2009)
Mechanically Locked Nanocapsules under Force Allow Reversible Hydrogen Bond Breakage
M. Janke, Y. Rudzevich, O. Malokanova, T. Metzroth, I. Mey, G. Diezemann, P.E. Marszalek, J. Gauss, V. Böhmer and A. Janshoff
Nature Nanotechnoloy 4 , 225-229 (2009)
Perturbative Treatment of Spin-Orbit Splittings using the Equation-of-Motion Ionization-Potential Coupled-Cluster Ansatz
K. Klein and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 129 , 194106-1-6 (2008)
Analytic Gradients in Closed-Shell Coupled-Cluster Theory with Spin-Orbit Coupling
F. Wang and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 129 , 174110-1-8 (2008)
Relativistic Corrections to Electrical First-Order Properties using Direct Perturbation Theory
S. Stopkowicz and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 129 , 164119-1-9 (2008)
Approximate Treatment of Higher Excitations in Coupled-Cluster Theory. II. Extension to General Single Reference Functions and Improved Approaches for the Canonical Hartree-Fock Case
M. Kállay and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 129 , 144101-1-9 (2008)
Rotational Spectrum and Equilibrium Structure of Silanethione, H2 Si=S
S. Thorwirth, J. Gauss, M.C. McCarthy, F. Shindo and P. Thaddeus
J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 5292-5294 (2008)
Coupled-Cluster Theory with Spin-Orbit Coupling
F. Wang, J. Gauss and C. van Wüllen
J. Chem. Phys. 129 , 064113-1-7 (2008)
Quantitative Prediction of Gas-Phase 19 F Nuclear Magnetic Shielding Constants
M.E. Harding, M. Lenhart, A.A. Auer and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 128 , 244111-1-10 (2008)
The Empirical Equilibrium Structure of Diacetylene
S. Thorwirth, M.E. Harding, D. Muders and J. Gauss
J. Mol. Spectr. 251 , 220-223 (2008)
The Accuracy of Rotational Constants Predicted by High-Level Quantum-Chemical Calculations. I. Molecules Containing First-Row Atoms
C. Puzzarini, M. Heckert and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 128 , 194108-1-9 (2008)
The Hyperfine Structure in the Rotational Spectra of Bromofluoromethane: Lamb-Dip Technique and Quantum-Chemical Calculations
G. Cazzoli, C. Puzzarini, S. Stopkowicz and J. Gauss
Mol. Phys. 106 , 1181-1192 (2008)
On the Geometry of the HO3 Radical
M.E. Varner, M.E. Harding, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
Chem. Phys. 346 , 53-55 (2008)
Rotational Spectroscopy and Hyperfine Structure of Isotopic Species of Deuterated Cyanoacetylene, DC3 N
H. Spahn, H.S.P. Müller, T.F. Giesen, J.-U. Grabow, M.E. Harding, J. Gauss and S. Schlemmer
Chem. Phys. 346 , 132-138 (2008)
Triple Excitations in State-Specific Multireference Coupled Cluster Theory. Application of Mk-MRCCSDT and Mk-MRCCSDT-n Methods to Model Systems
F.A. Evangelista, A.C. Simmonett, W.D. Allen, H.F. Schaefer III and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 128 , 124104-1-13 (2008)
Electronic Excitation Energy Transfer in Bichromophoric Assemblies
B. Fückel, A. Köhn, M.E. Harding, G. Diezemann, G. Hinze, T. Basché and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 128 , 074505-1-13 (2008)
HEAT: High Accuracy Extrapolated Ab initio Thermochemistry. III. Additional Improvements and Overview
M.E. Harding, J. Vázquez, B. Ruscic, A.K. Wilson, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Phys. 128 , 114111-1-15 (2008)
The Barrier Height of the F+H2 Reaction Revisited. Coupled-Cluster Singles, Doubles, Triples, Quadruples and Multireference Configuration-Interaction Benchmark Calculations
H.-J. Werner, M. Kállay and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 128 , 034305-1-8 (2008)
Parallel Calculation of CCSD and CCSD(T) Analytic First and Second Derivatives
M.E. Harding, T. Metzroth, J. Gauss and A.A. Auer
J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 4 , 64-74 (2008)
A Quantum-Chemical Investigation of the Geometry and NMR Chemical Shifts of Bilirubin
T. Metzroth, M. Lenhart and J. Gauss
Appl. Magn. Res. 33 , 457-467 (2008)
High Accuracy Extrapolated Ab initio Thermochemistry of Vinylchloride
M.E. Harding, J. Gauss, K. Pflüger and H.-J. Werner
J. Phys. Chem. A 111 , 13623-13628 (2007)
Rotational Spectra of Rare Isotopic Species of Bromofluoromethane: Determination of the Equilibrium Structure from Ab initio Calculations and Microwave Spectroscopy
C. Puzzarini, G. Cazzoli, A. Baldacci, A. Baldan, C. Michauk and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 127 , 164302-1-10 (2007)
Calculation of Frequency-Dependent Hyperpolarizabilities using General Coupled-Cluster Models
D.P. O`Neill, M. Kállay and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 127 , 134109-1-8 (2007)
Analytic Evaluation of Raman Intensities in Coupled-Cluster Theory
D.P. O`Neill, M. Kállay and J. Gauss
Mol. Phys. 105 , 2447-2453 (2007)
Gauge-Origin Independent Calculation of Magnetizabilities and Rotational g Tensors at the Coupled-Cluster Level
J. Gauss, K. Ruud and M. Kállay
J. Chem. Phys. 127 , 074101-1-13 (2007)
Pertubative Treatment of Scalar-Relativistic Effects in Coupled-Cluster Calculations of Equilibrium Geometries and Harmonic Vibrational Frequencies Using Analytic Second-Derivative Techniques
C. Michauk and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 127 , 044106-1-8 (2007)
Pertubative Treatment of the Electron-Correlation to the Diagonal Born-Oppenheimer Correction
A. Tajti, P.G. Szalay and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 127 , 014102-1-8 (2007)
Helical Packing of Discotic Hexa-Phenyl Hexa-Peri-Hexabenzocoronenes: Theory and Experiment
W. Pisula, M.D. Watson, Z. Tomovic, K. Müllen, J. Kussmann, C. Ochsenfeld, T. Metzroth and J. Gauss
J. Phys. Chem. B 111 , 7481-7487 (2007)
Basis Set Limit CCSD(T) Harmonic Vibrational Frequencies
D.P. Tew, W. Klopper, M. Heckert and J.Gauss
J. Phys. Chem. A 111 , 11242-11248 (2007)
Analytic Calculation of the Diagonal Born-Oppenheimer Correction within Configuration-Interaction and Coupled-Cluster Theory
J. Gauss, A. Tajti, M. Kállay, J.F. Stanton and P.G. Szalay
J. Chem. Phys. 125 , 144111-1-10 (2006)
Flexibility of Phenylene Oligomers Revealed by Single Molecule Spectroscopy
B. Fückel, G. Hinze, G. Diezemann, F. Nolde, K. Müllen, J. Gauss and T. Basché
J. Chem. Phys. 125 , 144903-1-7 (2006)
Rotational Spectra of 1-Chloro-2-Fluoroethylene. II. Equilibrium Structures of the Cis and Trans Form
C. Puzzarini, G. Cazzoli, A. Gambi and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 125 , 054307-1-8 (2006)
Rotational Spectra of 1-Chloro-2-Fluoroethylene. I. Main Isotopologues and Deuterated Species of the Trans Form
G. Cazzoli, C. Puzzarini, A. Gambi and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 125 , 054313-1-8 (2006)
Basis-Set Extrapolation Techniques for the Highly Accurate Calculations of Molecular Equilibrium Geometries using Coupled Cluster Theory
M. Heckert, M. Kállay, D.P. Tew, W. Klopper and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 125 , 044108-1-10 (2006)
Calculation of Frequency-Dependent Polarizablities using General Coupled-Cluster Models
M. Kállay and J. Gauss
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM) 768 , 71-77 (2006)
HEAT: High Accuracy Extrapolated Ab initio Thermochemistry. II. Minor Improvements to the Protocol and a Vital Simplification
Y.J. Bomble, J. Vázquez, M. Kállay, C. Michauk, P.G. Szalay, A.G. Császár, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Phys. 125 , 064108-1-8 (2006)
Gas-Phase Detection of HSOD and empirical equilibrium structure of oxadisulfane
O. Baum, S. Esser, N. Gierse, S. Brünken, F. Lewen, J. Hahn, J. Gauss, S. Schlemmer and T.F. Giesen
J. Mol. Struct. 795 , 256-262 (2006)
Towards a Spin-Adapted Coupled-Cluster Theory for High-Spin Open-Shell States
M. Heckert, O. Heun, J. Gauss and P.G. Szalay
J. Chem. Phys. 124 , 124105-1-11 (2006)
The Nuclear Spin-Rotation Constants of HCY, HSiY, and SiY2 (Y=F, CI): An Ab initio Study
A. Rizzo C. Puzzarini, S. Coriani and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 124 , 064302-1-10 (2006)
Thermochemical Properties of Small Open-Shell Systems: Experimental and High-Level Ab initio Results for NH2 and NH2 +
S. Willitsch, F. Merkt, M. Kállay and J. Gauss
Mol. Phys. 104 , 1457-1461 (2006)
Low Pressure Pyrolysis of t-Bu2 SO Revised: Synthesis and Infrared Detection of HSOH
H. Beckers, S. Esser, T. Metzroth, M. Behnke, H. Willner, J. Gauss and J. Hahn
Chem. - Eur. J. 12 , 832-844 (2006)
2001 - 2005
Approximate Treatment of Higher Excitations in Coupled-Cluster Theory
M. Kállay and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 123 , 214105-1-13 (2005)
The Accuracy of Ab initio Molecular Geometries for Systems Containing Second-Row Atoms
S. Coriani, D. Marchesan, J. Gauss, C. Hättig, P. Jørgensen and T. Helgaker
J. Chem. Phys. 123 , 184107-1-12 (2005)
Coupled-Cluster Methods including Non-Iterative Corrections for Quadruple Excitations
Y. Bomble, J.F. Stanton, M. Kállay and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 123 , 054101-1-8 (2005)
Critical Analysis of the Spin-Rotation Constants of CF2 and CCl2 : a Theoretical Investigation
C. Puzzarini, S. Coriani, A. Rizzo and J. Gauss
Chem. Phys. Letters 409 , 118-123 (2005)
Magnetically Induced Current Densities in Al4 2- and Al4 4- Species Studied at the Coupled Cluster Level
Y.C. Lin, J. Jusélius, D. Sundholm and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 122 , 214308-1-9 (2005)
The Rare Isotopomers of HCN: HC15 N and DC15 N. Rotational Spectrum and Resolved Nuclear Hyperfine Structures due to 15 N and D
G. Cazzoli, C. Puzzarini and J. Gauss
Astrophys. J. Suppl. 159 , 181-188 (2005)
Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Methods for Ionized States with an Approximate Treatment of Triple Excitations
Y. Bomble, J.C. Saeh, J.F. Stanton, P.G. Szalay, M. Kállay and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 122 , 154107-1-7 (2005)
Molecular Equilibrium Geometries based on Coupled-Cluster Calculations involving Quadruple Excitations
M. Heckert, M. Kállay and J. Gauss
Mol. Phys. 103 , 2109-2115 (2005)
Determining the Geometry of Multiple Hydrogen-Bonds in Solids to Picometer Accuracy by Quantum-Chemical Calculations and High-Resolution 1 H and 15 N Fast-MAS NMR Spectroscopy
M. Schulz-Dobrig, T. Metzroth, H.W. Spiess, J. Gauss and I. Schnell
Chem. Phys. Chem. 6 , 315-327 (2005)
A Comparison of Density-Functional-Theory and Coupled-Cluster Frequency-Dependent Polarizabilities and Hyperpolarizabilities
P. Salek, O. Vahtras, T. Helgaker, H. Ågren, D. Jonsson and J. Gauss
Mol. Phys. 103 , 439-450 (2005)
HEAT: High Accuracy Extrapolated Ab initio Thermochemistry
A. Tajti, P.G. Szalay, A. G. Császár, M. Kállay, J. Gauss, E.F. Valeev, B.A. Flowers, J. Vazquez and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Phys. 121 , 11599-11513 (2004)
The Cotton-Mouton Effect of Neon and Argon Revisited: A Benchmark Study using Highly Correlated Coupled-Cluster Wave Functions
A. Rizzo, M. Kállay, J. Gauss, F. Pawlowski, P. Jørgensen and C. Hättig
J. Chem. Phys. 121 , 9461-9463 (2004)
Calculation of Excited-State Properties using General Coupled-Cluster and Configuration-Interaction Models
M. Kállay and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 121 , 9257-9269 (2004)
State-of-the-Art Density Matrix Renormalization Group and Coupled-Cluster Theory Studies of the Nitrogen Binding Curve
G.K.-L. Chan, M. Kállay and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 121 , 6110-6116 (2004)
Controlled Self-Assembly of Hexa-peri-Hexabenzoroconenes in Solution
J. Wu, A. Fechtenkötter, J. Gauss, M.D. Watson, M. Kastler, C. Fechtenkötter, M. Wagner and K. Müllen
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126 , 11311-11321 (2004)
On the Vertical Excitation Energy of Cyclopentadiene
Y.J. Bomble, K.W. Sattelmeyer, J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 121 , 5236-5240 (2004)
Calculation of Current Densities Using Gauge-Including Atomic Orbitals
J. Jusélius, D. Sundholm and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 121 , 3952-3963 (2004)
Analytic Second Derivatives for General Coupled-Cluster and Configuration-Interaction Models
M. Kállay and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 120 , 6841-6848 (2004)
W3 Theory: Robust Computational Thermochemistry in the kJ/mol Accuracy Range
A.D. Boese, M. Oren, O. Atasoylu, J.M.L. Martin, M. Kállay and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 120 , 4129-4141 (2004)
Benchmark Thermochemistry of the Hydroperoxyl Radical
B.A. Flowers, P.G. Szalay, J.F. Stanton, M. Kállay, J. Gauss and A.G. Császár
J. Phys. Chem. A 108 , 3195-3199 (2004)
Equilibrium Geometry of the Ethynyl (CCH) Radical
P.G. Szalay, L.S. Thøgersen, J. Olsen, M. Kállay and J. Gauss
J. Phys. Chem. A 108 , 3030-3034 (2004)
The Equilibrium Structure of trans-Glyoxal from Experimental Rotational Constants and Calculated Vibration-Rotation Interaction Constants
R. Wugt Larsen, F. Pawlowski, F. Hegelund, P. Jørgensen, J. Gauss and B. Nelander
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 5 , 5031-5037 (2003)
Analytic First Derivatives for General Coupled-Cluster and Configuration-Interaction Model
M. Kállay, J. Gauss and P.G. Szalay
J. Chem. Phys. 119 , 2991-3004 (2003)
Gas-Phase Detection of Discharge-Generated DSOD
M. Behnke, J. Suhr, S. Thorwirth, F. Lewen, H. Lichau, J. Hahn, J. Gauss, K.M.T. Yamada and G. Winnewisser
J. Mol. Spectr. 221 , 121-126 (2003)
17 O NMR Chemical Shifts of Polyoxides in Gas Phase and in Solution
A. Wu, D. Cremer and J. Gauss
J. Phys. Chem. A 107 , 8737-8745 (2003)
Quantitative Prediction of Gas-Phase 13 C Nuclear Magnetic Shielding Constants
A.A. Auer, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Phys. 118 , 10407-10417 (2003)
Gas-Phase Detection of HSOH: Synthesis by Flash-Vacuum Pyrolysis of Di-t-Butyl Sulfoxide and Rotational-Torsional Spectrum
G. Winnewisser, F. Lewen, S. Thorwirth, M. Behnke, J. Hahn, J. Gauss and E. Herbst
Chem. - Eur. J. 9 , 5501-5510 (2003)
On the Electric-Field-Gradient-Induced Birefringence and Electric Quadrupole Moment of CO, NO, and OCS
S. Coriani, A. Halkier, D. Jonsson, J. Gauss, A. Rizzo and O. Christiansen
J. Chem. Phys. 118 , 7329-7339 (2003)
NMR Spectroscopic and Quantum Chemical Characterization of the E- and Z-Isomers of the Penta-1,3-Dienyl-2-Cation
H.-U. Siehl, T. Müller and J. Gauss
J. Phys. Org. Chem. 16 , 577-581 (2003)
Full Configuration-Interaction and Coupled-Cluster Calculations of the Indirect Spin-Spin Coupling Constant of BH
A.A. Auer, J. Gauss and M. Pecul
Chem. Phys. Letters 368 , 172-176 (2003)
Spin-Restricted Coupled-Cluster Theory with Triple Excitations
I. Berente, P.G. Szalay and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 117 , 7872-7881 (2002)
Analytic Second Derivatives for the Full Coupled-Cluster Singles, Doubles, and Triples Model: Nuclear Magnetic Shielding Constants for BH, HF, CO, N2 , N2 O, and O3
J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 116 , 4773-4776 (2002)
Radiative Singlet-Triplet Transition Properties from Coupled-Cluster Response Theory: The Importance of the Transition for the Photodissociation of Water at 193 nm
O. Christiansen and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 116 , 6674-6686 (2002)
Molecular Equilibrium Structures from Experimental Rotational Constants and Calculated Vibration-Rotation Interaction Constants
F. Pawlowski, P. Jørgensen, J. Olsen, F. Hegelund, T. Helgaker, J. Gauss, K.L. Bak and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Phys. 116 , 6482-6496 (2002)
Extension of the Karplus Relationship for NMR Spin-Spin Coupling Constants to Nonplanar Ring Systems: Pseudorotation of Cyclopentane
A. Wu, D. Cremer, A.A. Auer and J. Gauss
J. Phys. Chem. A 106 , 657-667 (2002)
CCSD(T) Shielding Polarizabilities
A. Rizzo and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 116 , 869-878 (2002)
Analytic Gradients for the Coupled-Cluster Singles, Doubles, Triples (CCSDT) Model
J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Phys. 116 , 1773-1782 (2002)
New Carbaalanes: (AlMe)8 (CCH2 Me)5 (CC-Me) and the THF Adduct (AlMe)8 (CCH2 Me)5 H 2 THF
W. Uhl, F. Breher, A. Mbonimana, J. Gauss, D. Haase, A. Lützen and W. Saak
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. , 3059-3066 (2001)
A Comparison of Excited State Properties for Iterative Approximate Triples Linear Response Coupled Cluster Methods
K.W. Sattelmeyer, J.F. Stanton, J. Olsen and J. Gauss
Chem. Phys. Letters 347 , 499-504 (2001)
Equilibrium Structure and Fundamental Frequencies of Allene
A.A. Auer and J. Gauss
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 3 , 3001-3005 (2001)
Triple Excitation Effects in Coupled-Cluster Calculations of Indirect Spin-Spin Coupling Constants
A.A. Auer and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 115 , 1619-1623 (2001)
On the Photoelectron Spectrum of p-Benzoquinone
J.F. Stanton, K.W. Sattelmeyer, J. Gauss, M. Allen, T. Skalicky and T. Bally
J. Chem. Phys. 115 , 1-4 (2001)
Comparsion of Full Configuration Interaction and Coupled-Cluster Harmonic and Fundamental Frequecies for BH and HF
H. Larsen, J. Olsen, P. Jørgensen and J. Gauss
Chem. Phys. Letters 342 , 200-206 (2001)
Al22 Cl20 12L (L = THF, THP) - the First Polyhedral Aluminum Chlorides
C. Klemp, M. Bruns, J. Gauss, U. Häussermann, G. Stößer, L. van Wüllen, M. Jansen and H. Schnöckel
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123 , 9099-9106 (2001)
The Accurate Determination of Molecular Equilibrium Structures
K.L. Bak, J. Gauss, P. Jørgensen, J. Olsen, T. Helgaker and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Phys. 114 , 6548-6556 (2001)
Structure Assignment in the Solid State by the Coupling of Quantum Chemical Calculations with NMR Experiments: a Columnar Hexabenzocoronene Derivative
C. Ochsenfeld, S.P. Brown, I. Schnell, J. Gauss and H.W. Spiess
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123 , 2597-2606 (2001)
Equilibrium Geometries of Cyclic SiC3 Isomers
J.F. Stanton, J. Gauss and O. Christiansen
J. Chem. Phys. 114 , 2993-2995 (2001)
1996 - 2000
Triple Excitation Effects in Coupled Cluster Calculations of Verdet Constants
S. Coriani, P. Jørgensen, O. Christiansen and J. Gauss
Chem. Phys. Letters 330 , 463-470 (2000)
Coupled Cluster Investigation of Sternheimer Shieldings and Electric Field Gradient Polarizabilities
S. Coriani, A. Halkier, P. Jørgensen, J. Gauss, O. Christiansen and A. Rizzo
J. Chem. Phys. 113 , 1688-1697 (2000)
The Accuracy of Molecular Dipole Moments in Standard Electronic Structure Calculations
K.L. Bak, J. Gauss, T. Helgaker, P. Jørgensen and J. Olsen
Chem. Phys. Letters 319 , 563-568 (2000)
NMR Chemical Shift Calculations within Local Correlation Methods: the GIAO-LMP2 Approach
J. Gauss and H.-J. Werner
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2 , 2083-2090 (2000)
Analytic First and Second Derivatives for the CCSDT-n (n=1-3) Models: a First Step towards the Efficient Calculation of CCSDT Properties
J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2 , 2047-2059 (2000)
The Equilibrium Structure of Benzene
J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Phys. Chem. A 104 , 2865-2868 (2000)
Spin-Orbit Coupling-Constants from Coupled-Cluster Response Theory
O. Christiansen, J. Gauss and B. Schimmelpfennig
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2 , 965-971 (2000)
Spin-Restricted Open-Shell Coupled-Cluster Theory for Excited States
P.G. Szalay and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 112 , 4027-4036 (2000)
Coupled-Cluster Singles, Doubles and Triples (CCSDT) Calculations of Atomization Energies
K.L. Bak, P. Jørgensen, J. Olsen, T. Helgaker and J. Gauss
Chem. Phys. Letters 317 , 116-122 (2000)
The re Structure of Cyclopropane
J. Gauss, D. Cremer and J.F. Stanton
J. Phys. Chem. A 104 , 1319-1324 (2000)
Equilibrium Structure of LiCCH
J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
Int. J. Quantum. Chem. 77 , 305-310 (2000)
A Simple Scheme for the Direct Calculation of Ionization Potentials with Coupled-Cluster Theory that Exploits Established Excitation Energy Methods
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 111 , 8785-8788 (1999)
Polarizabilities and First Hyperpolarizabilities of HF, Ne, and BH from Full Configuration Interaction and Coupled Cluster Calculations
H. Larsen, J. Olsen, C. Hättig, P. Jørgensen, O. Christiansen and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 111 , 1917-1925 (1999)
Frequency-Dependent Polarizabilities and First Hyperpolarizabilities of CO and H2 O from Coupled Cluster Calculations
O. Christiansen, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
Chem. Phys. Letters 305 , 147-155 (1999)
The Electronic Spectrum of Pyrrole
O. Christiansen, J. Gauss, J.F. Stanton and P. Jørgensen
J. Chem. Phys. 111 , 525-537 (1999)
The Equilibrium Structure of Propadienylidene
J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Mol. Struct. 485-486 , 43-50 (1999)
An Estimation of the Isomerization Energy of Acetylene
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 110 , 1831-1832 (1999)
Full Configuration Interaction Benchmark Calculations of First-Order One-Electron Properties of BH and HF
A. Halkier, H. Larsen, J. Olsen, P. Jørgensen and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 110 , 734-740 (1999)
Vibrational Structure in the Vinylidene Anion Photoelectron Spectrum: Closing the Gap between Theory and Experiment
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 110 , 6079-6080 (1999)
Anharmonic Force Fields from Analytic CCSD(T) Second Derivatives: HOF and F2 O
J. Breidung, W. Thiel, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Phys. 110 , 3687-3696 (1999)
Triple Excitation Effects in Coupled-Cluster Calculations of Frequency-Dependent Hyperpolarizabilities
J. Gauss, O. Christiansen and J.F. Stanton
Chem. Phys. Letters 296 , 117-124 (1998)
Analytic UHF-CCSD(T) Second Derivatives: Implementation and Application to the Calculation of Vibration-Rotation Interaction Constants of NCO and NCS
P.G. Szalay, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
Theoret. Chim. Acta 100 , 5-11 (1998)
The Effect of Triple Excitations in Coupled-Cluster Calculations of Frequency-Dependent Polarizabilities
O. Christiansen, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
Chem. Phys. Letters 292 , 437-446 (1998)
Polarizabilities of CO, N2, HF, Ne, BH, and CH+ from ab initio Calculations: Systematic Studies of Electron Correlation, Basis Set Errors, and Vibrational Contributions
O. Christiansen, C. Hättig and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 109 , 4745-4757 (1998)
Anharmonicity in the Ring Stretching Modes of Diborane
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 108 , 9218-9220 (1998)
The Equilibrium Structure and Fundamental Vibrational Frequencies of Dioxirane
J.F. Stanton, C.L. Lopreore and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 108 , 7190-7196 (1998)
Non-Abelian Point Group Symmetry in Direct Second-Order Many-Body Perturbation Theory Calculations of NMR Chemical Shifts
M. Kollwitz, M. Häser and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 108 , 8295-8301 (1998)
A Coupled Cluster Study of the 1 A1g and 1B2u States of Benzene
O. Christiansen, J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 108 , 3987-4001 (1998)
Spin-Restricted Open-Shell Coupled-Cluster Theory
P.G. Szalay and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 107 , 9028-9038 (1997)
Analytic CCSD(T) Second Derivatives
J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
Chem. Phys. Letters 276 , 70-77 (1997)
On the Ground and Electronically Excited States of Na3 O: Theory and Experiment
O. Hampe, G. Koretsky, M. Gegenheimer, C. Huber, M.M. Kappes and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 107 , 7085-7095 (1997)
CCSDT Calculations of Molecular Equilibrium Geometries
A. Halkier, P. Jørgensen, J. Gauss and T. Helgaker
Chem. Phys. Letters 274 , 235-241 (1997)
Structures and Stabilities of C5 H2 Isomers: Quantum Chemical Studies
R.A. Seburg, R.J. McMahon, J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 119 , 10838-10845 (1997)
Isotope and Temperature Effects on Nuclear Magnetic Shielding and Spin-Rotation Constants Calculated at the Coupled-Cluster Level
D. Sundholm and J. Gauss
Mol. Phys. 92 , 1007-1014 (1997)
Coupled-Cluster Calculations of Spin-Rotation Constants
J. Gauss and D. Sundholm
Mol. Phys. 91 , 449-458 (1997)
Theoretical Study of Electronically Excited cis- and trans-Glyoxal
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
Spectrochimica Acta 53A , 1153-1162 (1997)
The Prediction of Molecular Equilibrium Structures by the Standard Electronic Wave Functions
T. Helgaker, J. Gauss, P. Jørgensen and J. Olsen
J. Chem. Phys. 106 , 6430-6440 (1997)
Electron Correlation Effects on the Calculated 13 C NMR Spectra of Vinyl Cations
J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM) 398-399 , 73-80 (1997)
Hyperfine and Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling in Chlorine and Fluorine Dioxides
B. Fernandez, O. Christiansen, P. Jørgensen, J. Byberg, J. Gauss and K. Ruud
J. Chem. Phys. 106 , 1847-1855 (1997)
Nuclear Magnetic Shieldings in the CC2 model
O. Christiansen, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
Chem. Phys. Letters 266 , 53-60 (1997)
A Direct Implementation of the GIAO-MBPT(2) Method for Calculating NMR Chemical Shifts: Application to Naphthalenium and Anthracenium Ions
M. Kollwitz and J. Gauss
Chem. Phys. Letters 260 , 639-646 (1996)
CCSD(T) Calculation of NMR Chemical Shifts: Consistency of Calculated and Measured 13 C Chemical Shifts in the 1-Cyclopropylcyclopropylidenemethyl Cation
J.F. Stanton, J. Gauss and H.-U. Siehl
Chem. Phys. Letters 262 , 183-186 (1996)
Rovibrationally Averaged Nuclear Magnetic Shielding Tensors Calculated at the Coupled-Cluster Level
D. Sundholm, J. Gauss and A. Schäfer
J. Chem. Phys. 105 , 11051-11059 (1996)
Perturbation-Dependent Atomic Orbitals for the Calculation of Spin-Rotation Constants and Rotational Tensors
J. Gauss, K. Ruud and T. Helgaker
J. Chem. Phys. 105 , 2804-2812 (1996)
The A1 Au State and the T2 Potential Surface of Acetylene: Implications for Triplet Perturbations in the Fluorescence Spectra of the A State
C.D. Sherrill, G. Vacek, Y. Yamaguchi, H.F. Schaefer III, J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 104 , 8507-8515 (1996)
The First Excited Singlet State of s-Tetrazine: A Theoretical Analysis of Some Outstanding Questions
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 104 , 9859-9869 (1996)
A Simple Correction to the Final State Energies of Doublet Radicals in the Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Singles and Doubles Approximation
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
Theoret. Chim. Acta 93 , 303-313 (1996)
Perturbative Treatment of Triple Excitations in Coupled-Cluster Calculations of Nuclear Magnetic Shielding Constants
J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Phys. 104 , 2574-2583 (1996)
1991 - 1995
The Electron Correlation Contribution to the Nuclear Magnetic Shielding Tensor of the Hydrogen Molecule
D. Sundholm, J. Gauss and R. Ahlrichs
Chem. Phys. Letters 243 , 264-268 (1995)
An Ab Initio Treatment of the Electronic Absorption Spectra of Excess-Electron Alkali Halide Clusters Nan+1 Cln up to Na18 Cl17
C. Ochsenfeld, J. Gauss and R. Ahlrichs
J. Chem. Phys. 103 , 7401-7407 (1995)
Many-Body Methods for Excited State Potential Energy Surfaces. II. Analytic Second Derivatives for Excited State Energies in the Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Method
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 103 , 8931-8943 (1995)
A Comparison of Single-Reference Methods for Characterizing Stationary Points of Excited State Potential Energy Surfaces
J.F. Stanton, J. Gauss, N. Ishikawa and M. Head-Gordon
J. Chem. Phys. 103 , 4160-4174 (1995)
Accurate Computations of 77 Se NMR Chemical Shifts with the GIAO-CCSD Method
M. Bühl, J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
Chem. Phys. Letters 241 , 248-252 (1995)
On the Convergence of MBPT and CC Nuclear Magnetic Shielding Constants of BH toward the Full CI Limit
J. Gauss and K. Ruud
Int. J. Quantum. Chem. Symp. 29 , 437-442 (1995)
The 1-(Trimethylsilyl)bicyclobutonium Ion: NMR Spectroscopy, Isotope Effects, and Quantum Chemical Ab Initio Calculations of a New Hypercoordinated Carbocation
H.-U. Siehl, M. Fuss and J. Gauss
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 117 , 5983-5991 (1995)
Coupled-Cluster Calculations of NMR Chemical Shifts
J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Phys. 103 , 3561-3578 (1995)
Perturbative Treatment of the Similarity Transformed Hamiltonian in Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Approximations
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 103 , 1064-1076 (1995)
Gauge-Invariant Calculation of Nuclear Magnetic Shielding Constants at the Coupled-Cluster Singles and Doubles Level
J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
J. Chem. Phys. 102 , 251-253 (1995)
Analytic Energy Derivatives for the Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Method: Algebraic Expressions, Implementation and Application to the S1 State of HFCO
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
Theoret. Chim. Acta 91 , 267-289 (1995)
Analytic Energy Derivatives for Ionized States Described by the Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Method
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 101 , 8938-8944 (1994)
GIAO-MBPT(3) and GIAO-SDQ-MBPT(4) Calculations of Nuclear Magnetic Shielding Constants
J. Gauss
Chem. Phys. Letters 229 , 198-203 (1994)
Some Predictions Relevant to Future Spectroscopic Observations of S1 Vinylidene
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 101 , 3001-3005 (1994)
The Cyclopropylcyclopropylidenemethyl Cation: A Unique Stabilized Vinyl Cation Characterized by NMR Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemical Ab Initio Calculations
H.-U. Siehl, T. Müller, J. Gauss, P. Buzek and P.v.R. Schleyer
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 116 , 6384-6387 (1994)
Analytic Energy Gradients for the Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Method: Implementation and Application to the HCN/HNC System
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 100 , 4695-4698 (1994)
Generation of the Parent Allyl Cation in a Superacid Cryogenic Matrix
P. Buzek, P.v.R. Schleyer, H. Vancik, Z. Mihalic and J. Gauss
Angew. Chem. 106 , 470-473 (1994)
Even More Reliable NMR Chemical Shift Calculations using the GIAO-MP2 Method
P.v.R. Schleyer, J. Gauss, M. Bühl, R. Greatrex and M.A. Fox
J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1766-1768 (1993)
A CCSD(T) Investigation of Carbonyl Oxide and Dioxirane: Equilibrium Geometries, Dipole Moments, Infrared Spectra, Heats of Formation, and Isomerization Energies
D. Cremer, J. Gauss, E. Kraka, J.F. Stanton and R.J. Bartlett
Chem. Phys. Letters 209 , 547-556 (1993)
The Accurate Phenonium and Benzenonium Ion Structures Confirmed by Correlated GIAO-MP2 NMR Chemical Shift Calculations
S. Sieber, P.v.R. Schleyer and J. Gauss
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115 , 6987-6988 (1993)
Accurate Coupled Cluster Reaction Enthalpies and Activation Energies for X+H2 > XH+H (X=F, OH, NH2 , and CH3 )
E. Kraka, J. Gauss and D. Cremer
J. Chem. Phys. 99 , 5306-5315 (1993)
Effects of Electron Correlation in the Calculation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Chemical Shifts
J. Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 99 , 3629-3643 (1993)
Decisive Electron Correlation Effects on Computed 11 B and 13 C NMR Chemical Shifts. Application of the GIAO-MP2 Method to Boranes and Carbaboranes
M. Bühl, J. Gauss, M. Hofmann and P.v.R. Schleyer
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115 , 12385 (1993)
Structure, Stabilization Energies and Chemical Shifts of the Cyclobutenyl Cation. Does it have 'Aromatic' Homocyclopropenium Ion Character ? An Ab Initio Study
S. Sieber, A.H. Otto, P.v.R. Schleyer, J. Gauss, F. Reichel and D. Cremer
J. Phys. Org. Chem. 6 , 445-464 (1993)
Coupled-Cluster Methods with Non-Iterative Triple Excitations for Restricted Open-Shell Hartree-Fock and Other General Single Determinant Reference Functions. Energies and Analytical Gradients
J.D. Watts, J. Gauss and R.J. Bartlett
J. Chem. Phys. 98 , 8718-8733 (1993)
An Ab Initio Investigation of Cu2 Se and Cu4 Se2
A. Schäfer, C. Huber, J. Gauss and R. Ahlrichs
Theoret. Chim. Acta 87 , 29-40 (1993)
27 Al NMR Spectroscopic Investigation of Aluminum(I) Compounds: Ab Initio Calculations and Experiment
J. Gauss, U. Schneider, R. Ahlrichs, C. Dohmeier and H. Schnöckel
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115 , 2402-2408 (1993)
Open-Shell Analytical Derivatives of the Triple Excitation Contributions to the Energies of Many-Body Perturbation Theory and Coupled-Cluster Methods: MBPT(4), QCISD(T), CCSD+T(CCSD), and CCSD(T) Energy Gradients
J.D. Watts, J. Gauss and R.J. Bartlett
Chem. Phys. Letters 200 , 1-7 (1992)
On the Structure and Existence of CrF6
A. Neuhaus, C. Huber, G. Frenking and J. Gauss
Inorg. Chem. 31 , 5355-5356 (1992)
Analytic Restricted Open-Shell Hartree-Fock-Many-Body Perturbation Theory(2) Second Derivatives
J. Gauss, J.F. Stanton and R.J. Bartlett
J. Chem. Phys. 97 , 7825-7828 (1992)
Linear and Cyclic Isomers of C4 . A Theoretical Study with Coupled-Cluster Methods and Large Basis Sets
J.D. Watts, J. Gauss, J.F. Stanton and R.J. Bartlett
J. Chem. Phys. 97 , 8372-8381 (1992)
Ga(C5 H5 ): Synthesis, Identification and Ab Initio Investigations
D. Loos, H. Schnöckel, J. Gauss and U. Schneider
Angew. Chem. 104 , 1376-1378 (1992;)
The Aces II Program System
J.F. Stanton, J. Gauss, J.D. Watts, W.J. Lauderdale and R.J. Bartlett
Int. J. Quantum. Chem. Symp. 26 , 879-894 (1992)
Restricted Open-Shell Hartree-Fock based Many-Body Perturbation Theory: Theory and Initial Application of Energy and Gradient Calculations
W.J. Lauderdale, J.F. Stanton, J. Gauss, J.D. Watts and R.J. Bartlett
J. Chem. Phys. 97 , 6606-6620 (1992)
The Geometry of TiH2 -6 and VH- 6
V. Jonas, G. Frenking and J. Gauss
Chem. Phys. Letters 194 , 109-117 (1992)
Analytic Evaluation of Second Derivatives using Second-Order Many-Body Perturbation Theory and Unrestricted Hartree-Fock Reference Functions
J.F. Stanton, J. Gauss and R.J. Bartlett
Chem. Phys. Letters 195 , 194-199 (1992)
Calculation of NMR Chemical Shifts at Second-Order Many-Body Perturbation Theory Using Gauge Including Atomic Orbitals
J. Gauss
Chem. Phys. Letters 191 , 614-620 (1992)
On the Choice of Orbitals for Symmetry Breaking Problems with Application to NO3
J.F. Stanton, J. Gauss and R.J. Bartlett
J. Chem. Phys. 97 , 5554-5559 (1992)
Interconversion of Diborane(4) Isomers
J.F. Stanton, J. Gauss, R.J. Bartlett, T. Helgaker, P. Jørgensen, H.J.Aa. Jensen and P.R. Taylor
J. Chem. Phys. 97 , 1211-1216 (1992)
Many-Body Perturbation Theory with a Restricted Open-Shell Reference
W.J. Lauderdale, J.F. Stanton, J. Gauss, J.D. Watts and R.J.Bartlett
Chem. Phys. Letters 187 , 21-28 (1991)
Analytic Energy Gradients for Open-Shell Coupled-Cluster Singles and Doubles (CCSD) Calculations Using Restricted Open-Shell Hartree-Fock (ROHF) Reference Functions
J. Gauss, W.J. Lauderdale, J.F. Stanton, J.D. Watts and R.J.Bartlett
Chem. Phys. Letters 182 , 207-215 (1991)
Analytic Evaluation of Energy Gradients at the Coupled-Cluster Singles and Doubles Level Using Quasi-RHF Open Shell Reference Functions
J. Gauss, J.F. Stanton and R.J. Bartlett
J. Chem. Phys. 95 , 2639-2645 (1991)
Coupled-Cluster Open-Shell Analytic Gradients: Implementation of the Direct Product Decomposition Approach in Energy Gradient Calculations
J. Gauss, J.F. Stanton and R.J. Bartlett
J. Chem. Phys. 95 , 2623-2638 (1991)
Potential Nonrigidity of the NO3 Radical
J.F. Stanton, J. Gauss and R.J. Bartlett
J. Chem. Phys. 94 , 4084-4087 (1991)
A Coupled-Cluster Study of the Ground State of the C3 +
J.D. Watts, J.F. Stanton, J. Gauss and R.J. Bartlett
J. Chem. Phys. 94 , 4320-4327 (1991)
A Direct Product Decomposition Approach for Symmetry Exploitation in Many Body Methods. I. Energy Calculations
J.F. Stanton, J. Gauss, J.D. Watts and R.J. Bartlett
J. Chem. Phys. 94 , 4334-4345 (1991)
Determination and Use of Response Densities
E. Kraka, J. Gauss and D. Cremer
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM) 234 , 95-126 (1991)
A Time-Dependent Semiclassical Wavepacket Method Using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Algorithm
J. Gauss and E.J. Heller
Comp. Phys. Comm. 63 , 375-388 (1991)
1984 - 1990
Difluoro- and Dichlorodioxasilirane
A. Patyk, W. Sander, J. Gauss and D. Cremer
Chem. Ber. 123 , 89-90 (1990)
Analytical Differentiation of the Energy Contribution due to Triple Excitations in Quadratic Configuration Interaction Theory
J. Gauss and D. Cremer
Chem. Phys. Letters 163 , 549-554 (1989)
A. Patyk, W. Sander, J. Gauss and D. Cremer
Angew. Chem. 101 , 920-922 (1989;)
Neon and Argon Bonding in First-Row Cations NeX+ and ArX+ (X = Li - Ne)
G. Frenking, W. Koch, D. Cremer, J. Gauss and J.F. Liebman
J. Phys. Chem. 93 , 3410-3418 (1989)
Helium Bonding in Singly and Doubly Charged First-Row Diatomic Cations HeX n+ (X = Li - Ne; n = 1,2)
G. Frenking, W. Koch, D. Cremer, J. Gauss and J.F. Liebman
J. Phys. Chem. 93 , 3397-3410 (1989)
Analytical Differentiation of the Energy Contribution due to Triple Excitations in Fourth-Order Møller-Plesset Perturbation Theory
J. Gauss and D. Cremer
Chem. Phys. Letters 153 , 303-308 (1988)
Stabilities and Nature of the Attractive Interactions in HeBeO, NeBeO, ArBeO and a Comparision with Analogues NgLiF, NgBN, and NgLiH (Ng = He, Ar). A Theoretical Investigation
G. Frenking, W. Koch, J. Gauss and D. Cremer
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 110 , 8007-8016 (1988)
Analytical Evaluation of Energy Gradients in Quadratic Configuration Interaction Theory
J. Gauss and D. Cremer
Chem. Phys. Letters 150 , 280-286 (1988)
Strain in Three-Membered Rings Containing Silicon: The Inability of Silicon to Form Flexible Hybrid Orbitals
D. Cremer, J. Gauss and E. Cremer
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM) 169 , 531-561 (1988)
Formation of Dioxirane from Carbonyloxide
D. Cremer, T. Schmidt, J. Gauss and T.P. Radhakrishnan
Angew. Chem. 100 , 431-432 (1988)
Helium Chemistry: Theoretical Predictions and Experimental Challenge
W. Koch, G. Frenking, J. Gauss, D. Cremer and J.R. Collins
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 109 , 5917-5934 (1987)
Implementation of Analytical Energy Gradients at Third- and Fourth-Order Møller-Plesset Perturbation Theory
J. Gauss and D. Cremer
Chem. Phys. Letters 138 , 131-140 (1987)
Spectral and Chemical Properties of Dimethyldioxirane as Determined by Experiment and Ab Initio Calculations
W. Adam, Y.-Y. Chan, D. Cremer, J. Gauss, D. Scheutzow and M. Schindler
J. Org. Chem. 52 , 2800-2803 (1987)
The IR Spectra of Carbonyloxide and Dioxirane: A Theoretical Investigation at a Correlated Level
J. Gauss and D. Cremer
Chem. Phys. Letters 133 , 420-424 (1987)
Theoretical Investigation of Na and Mg Atom Complexes with H2 O
L.A. Curtiss, E. Kraka, J. Gauss and D. Cremer
J. Phys. Chem. 91 , 1080-1084 (1987)
Theoretical Determination of Molecular Structure and Conformation. 20. Reevaluation of the Strain Energies of Cyclopropane and Cyclobutane - CC and CH Bond Energies, 1,3 Interactions, and σ-Aromaticity
D. Cremer and J. Gauss
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 108 , 7467-7477 (1986)
Donor-Acceptor Interaction and the Peculiar Structure of Dications
W. Koch, G. Frenking, J. Gauss and D. Cremer
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 108 , 5808-5817 (1986)
Structures, Stabilities, and Bonding in CBe2 , C2 Be, and C2 Be2
W. Koch, G. Frenking, J. Gauss, D. Cremer, A. Sawaryn and P.v.R. Schleyer
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 108 , 5732-5737 (1986)
Theoretical Determination of Molecular Structures and Conformation. 19. Configurational Changes of Bridged Annulenes: Inversion at an Ether Oxygen Atom
D. Cremer, E. Kraka, J. Gauss and C.W. Bock
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 108 , 4768-4774 (1986)
An Unconventional SCF Method for Calculations on Large Molecules
D. Cremer and J. Gauss
J. Comp. Chem. 7 , 274-282 (1986)
Stereomutation of Methoxycarbenium Ions. 2. Experimental Evidence for an Inversion Process
C. Blackburn, R.F. Childs, D. Cremer and J. Gauss
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 107 , 2442-2448 (1985)
Stereomutation of Methoxycarbenium Ions. 1. An Investigation of the Mechanism in Gaseous and Solution Phases
D. Cremer, J. Gauss, R.F. Childs and C. Blackburn
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 107 , 2435-2441 (1985)
1,2 Dihydroborete: Structure of a Potential Homoaromatic System
D. Cremer, J. Gauss, P.v.R. Schleyer and P.H.M. Budzelaar
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 23 , 370-371 (1984)
Book Chapters and Review Articles
Incremental Treatments of the Full Configuration Interaction Problem
J.J. Eriksen and J. Gauss
WIREs Comput. Mol. Sci. 11 , e1525 (2021)
The Future of the Electron-Correlation Problem: What about Full Configuration Interaction?
J. Gauss and J.J. Eriksen
Oberwolfach Reports 13 , 657-660 (2018)
Analytic Energy Derivatives in Relativistic Quantum Chemistry
L. Cheng, S. Stopkowicz and J. Gauss
Int. J. Quantum Chem. 114 , 1108-1127 (2014)
Optical Properties of Assemblies of Molecules and Nanoparticles
T. Basché, A. Köhn, J. Gauss, K. Müllen, H. Paulsen and R. Zentel
Adv. Pol. Sci. 260 , 61-113 (2014)
Mechanical Properties of Single Molecules and Polymer Aggregates
R. Berger, K. Binder, G. Diezemann, J. Gauss, M. Helm, H.-P. Hsu, A. Janshoff, T. Metzroth, I. Mey, A. Milchev, W. Paul, V.G. Rostiashvili and T.A. Vilgis
Adv. Pol. Sci. 260 , 1-60 (2014)
State-Specific Multireference Coupled-Cluster Theory
A. Köhn, M. Hanauer, L.A. Mück, T.-C. Jagau and J. Gauss
WIREs Comput. Mol. Sci. 3 , 176-197 (2013)
Quantum-Chemical Calculation of Spectroscopic Parameters for Rotational Spectroscopy
C. Puzzarini, J.F. Stanton, and J. Gauss
Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 29 , 273-367 (2010)
Accurate Nonlinear Optical Properties for Small Molecules
O. Christiansen, S. Coriani, J. Gauss, C. Hättig, P. Jø rgensen, F. Pawlowski und A. Rizzo
in Nonlinear Optical Properties of Matter: from Molecules to Condensed Phases (Eds. M. Papadopoulos, J. Leszczynski and A.J. Sadlej) , Springer Netherlands 1 , 51-99 (2006)
Electron-Correlated Methods for the Calculation of NMR Chemical Shifts
J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
in Calculation of NMR and EPR Parameters: Theory and Applications (Eds.: M. Kaupp, M. Bühl and V. G. Malkin) Wiley-VCH, Weinheim , 123-139 (2004)
A Discussion of Some Problems Associated with the Quantum Mechanical Treatment of Open-Shell Molecules
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
Adv. Chem. Phys. 125 , 101-146 (2003)
Electron-Correlated Approaches for the Calculation of NMR Chemical Shifts
J. Gauss and J.F. Stanton
Adv. Chem. Phys. 123 , 355-422 (2002)
Molecular Properties
J. Gauss
in Modern Methods and Algorithms of Quantum Chemistry (Ed.: J. Grotendorst) , John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Jülich, 509-560 (2000)
Analytic Second Derivatives in High-Order Many-Body Perturbation and Coupled-Cluster Theories: Computational Considerations and Applications
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 19 , 61-96 (2000)
Coupled-Cluster Theory
J. Gauss
in Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry (Eds.: P.v.R. Schleyer, N.L. Allinger, T. Clark, J. Gasteiger, P.A. Kollmann, H.F. Schaefer and P.R. Schreiner), Wiley, Chichester , 615-636 (1998)
Analytic Evaluation of Second Derivatives of the Energy: Computational Strategies for the CCSD and CCSD(T) Approximations
J.F. Stanton and J. Gauss
in Modern Ideas in Coupled-Cluster Methods (Ed.: R.J. Bartlett), World Scientific Publishing, Singapore , 49-79 (1997)
Accurate Calculation of NMR Chemical Shifts
J. Gauss
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 99 , 1001-1008 (1995)
Analytical Energy Gradients in Mø ller-Plesset Perturbation and Quadratic Configuration Interaction Methods: Theory and Application
J. Gauss and D. Cremer
Adv. Quant. Chem. 23 , 205-299 (1992)